So, let's discuss our top tips for travelling with children:
Just Do It!

While the mere idea of travelling with children can sound overwhelming, the most essential thing to remember is that everything will end. You will get there, and you will survive. Mentally prepare and realize that some things may go wrong, but patience is key. Our "Just Go" travel art will keep you inspired so you always know - it's worth it!
Take It Slow

You may be used to rushing off to the airplane and through the airport, using all the secret shortcuts, but those days are far gone. You'll likely find it's tricky to rush your children through the airport as it's new territory for them. It's time you sit back and let everyone rush around you while you just go with the flow. You're not in charge anymore, so enjoy it.
“The trail is the thing, not the end of the trail. Travel too fast,
and you miss all you are traveling for.”
― Louis L'Amour
Hotel Or Vacation Rental?

While hotels can have perks, vacation rentals mean you can make them your home. Meaning you can prepare your own meals, which can prove helpful if your child has a special diet. You'll also save a lot of money compared to going for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for multiple people. No doubt, it's a personal choice, but one you'll need to think about.
Book Wisely

Another Thing: Don't Over Pack

It's important to remember that most everything can be bought abroad. While it might not be the same brand, you will manage. Don't worry about packing your toothpaste or deodorant or eye drops, those will be readily available at most destinations or even airports.
One important tip though! When traveling with the very young, diapers can be a significant concern as 100% organic and eco brands are at times hard to find. If you're used to using an eco-brand, perform a test run with a non-eco product before you leave to determine whether your little one has any kind of reaction.
One more important tip - Don't forget to label your luggage!
But Do Pack Wisely

While you may be able to skip a few items out of your bag, you'll want to make sure to pack supplies for the baby. A diaper bag will likely count as your carry on, so make sure you've got everything: spare pacifiers, diapers, snacks, a change of clothes, headphones, toys, a pillow; plastic bags (for diapers and in case your clothes get really dirty), extra batteries or power packs, and a tablet or a DVD player.
Also, remember, if there's any room left for your things, fill it with baby wipes – you'll need them.

Got any tips you'd like to share? Let us know in the comments below.
If you still think planning a trip with children will drive you crazy, feel free to reach out to professionals to help with your travel planning.
See also - What to do with your pets when you travel?
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